Complete the story scene at Discord Server WOOHOO!

Hi everyone!

Thank you so much for all your love and excitement for v0.0.3! I'm working hard to make it amazing for you!

In the meantime, if you haven’t heard yet, I’ve set up my Discord server! There’s a lot of exciting content that I’ve shared there already. Let’s go over some of the highlights, shall we?

  1. Teasers for upcoming characters! Sometimes I can’t share the full images here on Itch, but I can post them on Discord. You’ll get early looks at the characters and sneak peeks you won’t find elsewhere!
  2. Behind-the-scenes discussions! I occasionally talk about how I came up with these images and story plots ideas. While I’m still new to some of it and constantly learning how to generate better visuals, I’m happy to share my experiences.
  3. Extra images and bloopers! Not all the images I generate make it into the main story, but I still want to share them! Whether it’s prompt testing, unused content, or fun bloopers, you can find them on the server. (For example, a breast expansion sequence I tried for Eevee way earlier during development, wink wink)
  4. A space for you to share! You can share your art or try generating your own images of the characters. Tell me about your experience playing the game—I’d love to hear your feedback! Which character is your favorite? What did you enjoy most? Which character are you most hyped for? You’re also welcome to share suggestions for future content, character ideas, or even help with the game in any way you’d like.
  5. Interactive mini-stories! This is the main topic of this post! I’ve created several scenes where I provide the beginning, and the story moves forward based on your voting decisions. Unlike the main story, where decisions aren’t available, these scenes let you take control as the main character! Each story starts with an image and usually prompts a “What do you do?” question, followed by five choices for you to vote on. I want the community to help construct these stories together! The best part? Once the story is complete, it’ll be uploaded to the main game. Check out the screenshots for a sneak peek! (Eevee, Nidorina, Charizard and Rattata are there!)

That’s about it! I’m not great at promoting, but I truly hope you’ll join the Discord server. Come chat with us, interact, and have a great time. See you there!

P.S. These mini-stories come with their own unique images and narratives, completely separate from the main game’s storyline. Also, Eevee has two images in her opening scene! WELP, I won’t spoil anything else... go check it out and enjoy for yourself!

Example Eevee Christmas Scene

Get Pokemon Resurge


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Two special Christmas-themed growth sequences (as teased in the image sneak peek here, combined with some RIPPING action) has been created at the discord server. 

Also, the current four community-voted scenes will be finalized in 7 days to move on to the next event!

How do I join the discord server?

You can find it on the front page or click the image there for the link.